Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jon Dahlvig

Hello!!! Allow me to be the first (sorry honey) to welcome you to the blog of "Life as a Dahlvig!" It's were you can read all the crazy things that happen in the crazy life of being a Dahlvig. It can be crazy and frustrating at times. There is only six Dahlvig's in the State of Texas. It's a unique name that people can't always spell right or even say it right, there's no "N" in the name so it's not "DahlviNg" people. But it is a name that people always remember. Your probably wondering where are all the other Dahlvig's if there's only six in Texas. There up north, dang Yankee's!

Well I guess a little bit about me. I just got my paramedic certification and started working as a paramedic this last Sept. 8th. You can go to and read all about the things that I will see and do. I have worked as a car washer, pizza delivery person, photo lab person, corrections officer and lastly as an EMT. Plan to get my college degree sometime but don't know when. You can also go to my MySpace page ( and add me as a friend. You also have to join my mob on the mobsters game. Anyways that's enough for now. I'll let my beautiful wife blog now since I know she is just waiting to do so sitting next to me drinking her Dr. Pepper. Love you honey.

Thanks for visiting.

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